Big life update
American Expat Abroad
A New Chapter
In September 2021, my husband and I, our two doggos and one stinky bunny packed up our home in Texas and moved across the world to grey old London, where we've lived since.
For the past two years, we've traveled all over the UK and to Europe. We've made so many beautiful memories we'll forever be grateful for.
But with the changing year comes change in our own lives. In just a few days, movers will arrive at our home to pack up our belongings. Our large furniture will go into storage in Belgium, and our smaller belongings will be shipped to our temporary housing in Washington, DC.
In saying goodbye to London, we're saying hello to a new life in the U.S. Foreign Service.
For the next three to ten months (as yet undetermined) we will live in Washington while my husband completes training. From there, we will be assigned to an embassy or consulate at some currently unknown destination. We will live at this posting for approximately two years.
When the two years are up, we'll return to the U.S. for a month of home leave, then begin the entire process again--always being sent back to a diplomatic mission abroad.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't have hesitations about this lifestyle. I'm concerned about our healthcare, our safety and our general well-being. But as bad as things could be, there's equal opportunity for them to be incredible. At least, that's what I'm telling myself and choosing to live by.
I hope you will join and support us on this journey. I know it won't be easy. But the anthropologist in me just couldn't pass up the opportunity to live within and experience so many foreign cultures. Oh, and for Andrew, there's the whole "serving our country" thing, too.
I'll try to send emails on a semi-regular basis once we're more settled. In the meantime, I'll be sharing day-to-day life over on Instagram at @AmericanExpatAbroad. Hope to see ya there!
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